Medications to Help You Quit

Use all medications as directed, and talk with your doctor or health care provider before starting any medications.

How to know which medication is right for you

There are 7 FDA approved medications to help you quit smoking. To help decide which is best for you, talk with your health care provider or doctor. In the meantime, see what each medication has to offer:


No prescription needed. 16 or 24 hour nicotine dose

Possible side effects: Skin irritation or insomnia


No prescription needed. Available in different flavors.

Possible side effects: Mouth soreness, jaw soreness or heartburn. Can damage dental work such as dentures.


No prescription needed. Has 25% more nicotine than gum, and available in different flavors.

Possible side effects: May cause hiccups or heartburn, and no food or drink for 30 minutes before or during use.


Prescription needed. Gets nicotine into your system the fastest.

Possible side effects: Initial nasal irritation, sneezing, coughing, or teary eyes.


Prescription needed. Mimics a cigarette (inhaling).

Possible side effects: May cause irritation of mouth and throat.


Prescription needed. Fools the brain to believe it already had nicotine.

Possible side effects: May cause nausea, insomnia, headache, and abnormal dreams. FDA warning about psychiatric effects. FDA potential risk for heart problems.


Prescription needed. Helps prevent relapses and weight gain. With doctor approval, may be used with patch.

Possible side effects: Might disrupt sleep, cause headaches or dry mouth. Seizure risk in some users.

Combination Therapy

If you are a heavy smoker (a pack a day or more), combination nicotine replacement therapy may work better for you.

What is it?

Combining nicotine replacement therapy (combination therapy) means combining the nicotine patch, as prescribed, along with the gum or lozenge.

How does it work?

The patch gives you a steady dose of nicotine throughout the day – making you feel less like you need to smoke, while the gum or lozenge work fast to fight urges, and help stop withdrawal symptoms in their tracks!
Be sure to follow your health care provider instructions and manufacture instructions and see medication packaging for full listing of instructions and side effects.
Having a tough time quitting?

Talk about it with us.
Weight Gain

Worried about weight gain?
Quitting smoking means a healthier you. Maintain your weight while quitting.

Learn more
Slip ups

Slip-ups are normal
The most important thing to do? Learn from them and keep trying.

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Chronic conditions

Chronic conditions, quitting helps
If you have heart disease, high blood pressure, emphysema, or other ailments, learn more about how quitting smoking can make a difference.

Learn more
Developed by Roswell Park Cessation Services (RPCS) for the CDPHP® Smoke–Free program. RPCS is headquartered in Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY.

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